Full Length of Camelot in HD Quality.
Now you can enjoy Camelot in high definition format with duration 179 Min and was released on 1967-10-25 and MPAA rating is 2.- Original Title : Camelot
- Movie title in your country : Camelot
- Year of movie : 1967
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Music, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1967-10-25
- Companies of movie : Warner Brothers/Seven Arts,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 179 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7
- Youtube ID of movie : e2bSqcFPJbs
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,DE,HU,
- Cast of movie :
- Richard Harris ( King Arthur )
- Vanessa Redgrave ( Guenevere )
- Franco Nero ( Lancelot Du Lac )
- David Hemmings ( Mordred )
- Lionel Jeffries ( King Pellinore )
- Laurence Naismith ( Merlyn )
- Pierre Olaf ( Dap )
- Estelle Winwood ( Lady Clarinda )
Movie summary of Camelot :
Play full Camelot in Top Quality with movie plot "King Arthur establishes the ideals and laws of Camelot but is tragically forced to enforce these laws against his own wife." in HD format. Play full Camelot in High Quality by push of the button above.
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... Full Length of Camelot in High Quality 1080p ...
Director : Joshua Logan, Novel : T.H. White, Theatre Play : Alan Jay Lerner, Screenplay : Alan Jay Lerner,
Yes, now you can watch movie involving Camelot completely length and have the url to this flick Camelot in best quality.
Tags: camelot, knight, king arthur, based on adaptation,